Dealing with the Bank

Can’t we just all keep our money under our pillows? Then we do not have [...]

Collecting Debt

Selling your product or service on credit results in debt that are owed to you. [...]

Customer Service

Mahatma Gandhi who in a speech in South Africa in 1890 said:  “A customer is [...]

What Stops Entrepreneurs from Building A Sustainable Business?

Franco Cronjé points out why he believes many entrepreneurs don't build sustainable businesses

Make Your Business Work | The Number One Thing

Franco Cronjé shares what he sees as the single biggest requirement to making a business [...]

Start Your Business Knowing This

Franco talks about the hard truths in hiring and working with people as an entrepreneur.

Reduce Your Tax

An intro to reducing your personal and business income tax We often get asked whether [...]

Boiling to Death?

Urban myth has it that if you put a frog in a pot filled with [...]

How to Establish Tax Residency in the UAE

The Federal Tax Authority published criteria detailing the process for determining how a person can [...]

The Freedom to Choose

I currently have the pleasure of reading a book written by Viktor Frankl titled Man’s [...]

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