Travelling in a pandemic has taught me one thing – stop complaining and get it done.
Imposed travel restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic are making travelling around the world freely almost impossible. On my most recent trip I, as a South African, had to quarantine in Namibia for 15 days before I was able to travel to Dubai. This may not sound like a long period of time however it truly becomes taxing once you are in a foreign country feeling as if your wings have been clipped. You start questioning your motives and rationale for undertaking such an endeavour.
“Getting things done means that you sometimes need to inconvenience yourself to achieve your goals.”
Franco Cronjé
What gave me some comfort was meeting other travellers facing the same issues. And then I realized: We will not be held back. We will not shrug our shoulders. No, we will take it in our stride and do what needs to be done.
Some only see success but I see dedication, hard work and a never-say-no attitude. Getting things done means that you sometimes need to inconvenience yourself to achieve your goals.
What is holding you back? What is making you drag your feet? Find it, face it and overcome it!
The nomad says #getitdone