Today we received the news of the death of a family friend. Funny how news like this always reminds us that no one lives forever – as if we don’t know it.
We at strongly believe that why you do something is much more important than what you do and that the journey is much more important than the destination. I urge you to take more time and think about the most important things in your life, and then commit to spend more time on these.
“Realising and accepting that you are mortal does not make you weak, it gives you perspective.”
Our time on earth is finite, coming to an end without us knowing when, where or how. Realising and accepting that you are mortal does not make you weak, it gives you perspective. Stop procrastinating over or delaying those things which you know require your attention and start spending time on this before it is too late.
The slogan “One Life Live It” which we have become so accustomed to, has never been truer than now.
Live the journey. Awake the Nomad in you.