Our minds are much more inclined to follow a good story, a story with a happy ending that we enjoy or benefit from. A brand is the story you tell. The story you want people or clients to believe about you, your business or your products. If you do not tell a story, there is nothing to believe.
What have you told the world lately about yourself, your company or your products? What characteristics have you conveyed which you want people to believe about you? Maybe it is time you become more conscious about how you put something into the market as opposed to what you put into the market.
“…put the user of your product in the middle of the story as the hero, and not yourself.”
When you want to create a brand, be sure to tell a story of a product that solves a problem. Be sure to put the user of your product in the middle of the story as the hero, and not yourself. You or your product is merely the guide that assist the client on their journey. Remember: In the end a brand is built by clients or consumers, not companies.
Find your “why”, choose your strategy, tell the story and embrace your brand.
Embrace the Nomad in you.